Quote 98

The best way to love God is

To Love All and Serve All. – Baba

Quote 97 let love

    Let love flow so that it cleanses the world.

Then man can live in peace, instead of the state of turmoil

he has created through his past ways of

with all those material interests and earthly ambitions.


Quote 96 Love

                                           Love lives by giving and forgiving. – Baba

Quote 94 there is none

                                                     "There's none in the world who has been able to see Me."-Baba

Quote 93 " Love is the only Offering I accept" - Baba

                                      "Love is the only Offering I accept" 
                                                           ~~  Baba~~

Quote 92

                     Develop the unshakable conviction that the Divine is present in everyone. Then there will be no
room for developing differences of any kind. Conflict and disorder will have no place. Likes and
dislikes will go.

Quote 91

Quote 90

Quote 89